Déclaration publique du Christchurch Call Advisory Network marquant un an de guerre à Gaza et une nouvelle escalade régionale

Date: 2024-10-16

Le Christchurch Call Advisory Network (CCAN), composé d'organisations à but non lucratif, dont le RPC-PREV, ainsi que de personnes issues de la société civile, du monde universitaire et de la communauté technique, a récemment publié une déclaration publique sur la guerre à Gaza [en anglais seulement] : « One year on from the terrorist attack of October 7, the devastating war in Gaza continues to terrorize civilians. Now, with the further escalation in Lebanon and Israel, an even greater regional war looms. In this urgent context, CCAN again calls to attention the myriad of actions and behaviors by parties to the conflict, governments, tech companies, and others that are inconsistent with the commitments of the Christchurch Call. While not all parties to the conflict are Call signatories, signatories to the Call should not only adhere to the Call commitments, but take a stand against actions inconsistent with the Call […] »

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Par ailleurs, Dia Kayyali, cotitulaire à l'origine du Christchurch Call Advisory Network et présentement membre du comité central, a publié sa propre déclaration sur la situation à Gaza, que nous avons trouvée éclairante et qui mérite d'être partagée [en anglais seulement] : « Today, companies that are signatories to the Christchurch Call have helped automate the silencing and mass killing of Palestinians, and now Lebanese people. Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, and Lebanon are not parties to the Christchurch Call. However, the United States, Meta, Amazon, Microsoft, and Google, and many countries that host offices of these companies ARE Christchurch Call signatories, and they have continued to take actions that contravene the Call’s underlying commitment to human rights. »

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7 octobre, un an après : L'analyse de Ghayda Hassan, directrice du RPC-PREV, en lien avec le conflit israélo-palestinien